Monday, January 22, 2007

Xmas 2006

Here are some pictures and a couple of quick videos from over the holidays. MacKenzie's first Xmas!

This is our first ginger bread house! Not bad huh... actually it's one of those ones you buy from Costco that is in a kit so it was alot easier then it looks ;) . Abby was pumped though.


mohawktw said...

your daughters are so cute, keep posting!

Rhonda & Mark said...

YAAAAYYY Kels! I'm so glad that you created a blog. I'm going to add you to my links when I get home! Keep em coming! Rhonda

The Osbornes said...

I'm so glad you guys set up a blog... what a great way to keep in touch. Your girls are absolutely BEAUTIFUL... get the shot gun ready - you are going to have your hands full!! :) I'll be checking back regularly for updates! Kisses to those sweet little ones.