Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Auntie Meagan's Visit

Well... I think Abby and MacKenzie have a new favourite aunt :). Last weekend Auntie Meagan was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by for an overnight visit. Abby was a little bit shy at first, but it didn't last long. Before long she had Meagan playing My Little Ponys, hide and seek and Play Do... And she made sure that auntie Meagan was up bright and early Saturday morning too! Aren't you jealous Rhonda?

Cute Video

This is a cute video of MacKenzie alternating soothers... she just can't seem to make up her mind which one she likes. The funniest part of this video is listening to mom in the background trying to keep Abby entertained by.... juggling?? Lol!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Xmas 2006

Here are some pictures and a couple of quick videos from over the holidays. MacKenzie's first Xmas!

This is our first ginger bread house! Not bad huh... actually it's one of those ones you buy from Costco that is in a kit so it was alot easier then it looks ;) . Abby was pumped though.



This is a long time over due, I know, but here is a picture of my other daughter MacKenzie. She is now 10 months old and apparently looks just like me... poor thing ;)